5 professionals you may need during separation
Dec 21, 2021
The process of separation can seem quite daunting and of course extremely emotional. Here at Aspire Lawyers, we want to assist in easing those burdens in any way we can. Here, we list and explain other professionals that can assist you on your journey.
During separation, you may need your accountant, especially when it comes to property settlements. As you need to prove your financial position at both the start and end of the relationship, your accountant can assist in obtaining certain documents such as your tax returns as well as help determine how much you could pay out the other party if needed.
Property Valuer
Often parties decide to sell the former matrimonial home rather than one of the parties obtain it, this could be due to a
variety of reasons including personal reasons or as neither party could afford to live their alone. Property valuers are important when one party decides to retain the property as it allows for a more accurate look at the asset pool.
Relationships Australia offer mediation for couples who have chosen to go down the path of separation. While they do not draw up the final agreement that is approved by the court they do cater for you to potentially come to an agreement with your ex spouse that removes the back and forth between solicitors and just requires the agreement by way of consent orders to be drawn up.
Counsellor or Psychologist
Going through a separation can be a very emotionally draining time. Clients often seek counsellors or psychologists out in order to look after their psychological well being during this period. Not only can the parties benefit from doing so, often the child can be suffering as a result of their parents separation and could benefit from speaking to a non related party.
Real Estate Agent and Conveyancer
Real estate agents and conveyancers are important when you decide to sell the former matrimonial home. Real estate agents can not only help you locate a new property for you and your ex spouse, but they would also be able to put your house on the market. With the sale proceedings going into the asset pool. Conveyancers work alongside the real estate agents when it comes to the sale of your home, ensuring the sale and the transfer to the new owners runs smoothly.
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